Territorial Sovereignty Societies


New Perspective Series


The New Perspective Series look at key realities of the world from a non-conventional perspective.  For pretty much all of history, humans have looked at realities of this little blue world as if it is the center of the universe, the only world in existence, the only world that could exist.  Religious people have come to the conclusion that it is the work of a higher power, the only thing of any real importance that the higher power created and cared about and the center of attention of this (for monotheists who think there is only one) or these (for polytheists, who have dominated the world for most of  history) deities.   There is only one way of looking at events here on Earth:  they are the only events that matter anywhere. 

We are used to looking at events here on Earth from the perspective of insiders for a simple reason:  We are insiders.  This world may be nothing but an insignificant speck of blue cosmic dust to outsiders, looking at us from some remote world.  But to us, it is everything. 

We were all born here. 

Our people are from here. 

The way of life here on Earth is the only way of life we know. 

As far as we are concerned, it is all that exists.

The highest species on this world, humans, currently have a lot of problems.  But we don’t see them as ‘the problems that a species living on a little blue speck of cosmic dust may have.’  We see them as divine, momentous, and the result of factors that appear to be above us all, and far more complex than we (the plaything creations of some power that is unimaginably more intelligent than we are) could possibly understand.   

We can’t be objective about events here on Earth because we are too close to these events.  We look at these events through a lens, the lens of insiders.  We have our families to worry about, our bills to pay, loyalties to honor.  We live in societies that are based on the division of the human race into the entities we call ‘countries.’   Countries play a large role in the world around us.  We are raised and educated to believe we owe our allegiance to our country, that we must defend and protect it even if we must do horrible things to protect it.  For example, we may be asked to contribute to a fund that supports a military complex to build bombs that are used to kill children, by paying taxes.  We are raised to believe this is a solemn obligation we have that we must never question.  Protecting the country may require that we make incredible sacrifices, giving up our loved ones (who die or whose lives are ruined in wars) or even our own lives to fulfill this obligation.   We take this obligation for granted.  All people on Earth have an obligation to their countries.  It is the way this world, the only world we know, works. 

What are we protecting the entities called ‘our countries’ from?

We take it for granted that our leaders understand this.  We have enemies.  These enemies rape the part of the world they control to get resources to make weapons to harm us.  We can’t compete with them unless we do the same.  So, we must do this.  We have no choice. 

This would probably be seen as a very strange situation to an outsider on a world that had developed differently.  But, to us, from our perspective, it is normal.  It is the only way things have ever worked, or at least the only way we have been told things ever work.  (The truth is different, as Fact Based History shows.  The subject we are taught called ‘history’ in school is not a true, objective, and unbiased representation of past events that all members of the world would agree actually happened, and that the human race could use to build a better world for the future.) 

The books in the New Perspective Series look at key realities of the world around us as would outsiders.  These outsiders have no stake in events on this world; they have no national allegiances, they have no affiliation with any Earth religion, they have no need for the things we use for money on this world and no need to worry about the details we have to worry about.   

          Are there outsiders?   New space space-based telescopes including the Webb are showing us that there are numerous other worlds in star systems all around us.  Scientists can interpolate this data to come up with some idea of the number of other worlds that may be capable of supporting the kinds of life that exist here.  Current estimates lead to a number of about 2 septillion.  (That is 2 with 21 zeros after it). 
          By counting galaxies in a few seconds of arc in space that have no nearby stars to interfere, and multiplying by the total arc seconds in a sphere, scientists have determined there are about 2 trillion galaxies.  They have about 100 billion star systems each and the number of worlds per star system averages 1, so there are about 200 septillion worlds in the part of the universe we can see from this part of the galaxy.  If 1% of these worlds is in the ‘Goldilocks zone’ there are about 2 septillion such worlds.
          If we look closely at Earth based life forms (something done in another book in the New Perspective Series, The Meaning of Life) we can see that it came to exist here under conditions that are, well, far from optimal.  The first life forms were actually fantastically complex; they are built on the exact same genetic code as humans.  We know that they came to exist on Earth before the Earth had cooled enough to have a solid rock surface or was even close to being cool enough to support liquid water (a requirement to be in the Goldilocks Zone).  If we accept this evidence, we must conclude that whatever forces led to life existing on Earth can take place and are highly likely to have taken place on many other worlds.   

The books in the New Perspective Series look at key aspects of human existence from the perspective of outsiders.  If there are other worlds with the same kind of life we have here on Earth (life that evolves; see text box above), we would not expect the beings on these other worlds to make exactly the same decisions that we made here on Earth. 

We have a very long history, as Fact Based History shows.   (The evidence exists that show the length, but the people who claim to be historians don’t really want to accept it because it shows that just about everything people have believed about history in the past—including the foundational information they were taught in school—is wrong.  They are the experts and can decide which evidence to ignore, so they ignore almost all real evidence about past events.  Fact Based History goes over this evidence and shows it paints an entirely different picture of our past than conventional historians paint for us.)  

Events that took place millions of years ago have impacts on the way our societies operate today. 

We would not expect the exact same events to have taken place exactly the same way on other inhabited worlds.  They would have been through a different history and would look at existence from a different perspective.  The New Perspective Series is designed to look at key aspects of the realities of life for us here on Earth as would outsiders.  Specifically, it looks at these events from the perspective of objective scientists from a remote world. 

They have access to certain information about how Earth works, the same basic information you and I have. 

          Radio waves travel at the speed of light which, as far as we know, is a fixed speed that is the same for all electromagnetic waves, including light waves.  Every signal from your smart phone, every question you ask the search engines and every response you get, all signals from your WiFi, all signals from the routers of every person on Earth, all satellite signals from both civilian and military transit goes, at some stage, through radio.  These signals all spread out in all directions from Earth at a fixed speed
          We live in a very remote part of the galaxy.  It is very unlikely there are other beings with radio technology in his remoteness.  However, about 20,000 light years away is a part of the galaxy with billions of worlds that are very close together.  The radio waves our devices emit in 2025 will reach these worlds in the year 22,025 AD by our calendar.  If they have the right technology, they can receive and decode these messages.  If they wanted, they could recreate our internet on their world.  They wouldn’t be able to communicate with our internet, of course, but they could ask it questions and get the same answers we get here on Earth today. 

This image of Earth straddling the limb of the Moon was captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera on October 12, 2015

This image of Earth straddling the limb of the Moon was captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera on October 12, 2015

 The New Perspective Series is an attempt to look at important realities of existence here on Earth from this other perspective.  How would they see us? What would they think of the things we consider important? 

The book Possible Societies is about the different arrangements of existence, or societies, that are possible for beings that have evolved to a level of intellect comparable to modern humans.  We may expect that evolving beings on other worlds faced entirely different realities than we did here on Earth.  We would expect that they would evolve differently in response to these different realities.  What are the options?  Possible Societies deals with them from the perspective of beings that in a more densely populated part of the universe than we are here and who therefore have data about a great many worlds with life forms that have more or less the same general capabilities of Earth humans.  It shows that such beings can organize themselves in many ways.  Some are highly destructive and dangerous.  But others work in ways that allow the beings to live in harmony with each other and the world around them. 

The book Preventing Extinction looks a key aspect of human existence from the outside perspective.  We, the members of the human race, are currently facing existential threats.  It is pretty easy to simply give up and live as if these threats don’t exist, because we don’t have a frame of reference that would help us see there is any other option. 

Preventing Extinction on the principles of Fact Based History, Preventing Extinction, and the other books to explore the steps that the beings who live on a world that has taken the path through time that we have taken on this world would need to take to move them off of this path and onto a different path.  The book Possible Societies explains a type of society called ‘socratic societies’ that are very similar to current earth societies, but which work in ways that turn what would otherwise be a collection of billions of individual humans, all acting independently to advance their own interests, to work together to advance their common interests.  Preventing Extinction explains the steps a group of people who are in the situation we are on here on could take to turn their segmented, fragmented, and conflict-based world into one that is under the control of the beings themselves, who have tools they can use to act collectively to meet their common needs.  It shows that the problems that threaten the human race can’t be solved if they are structured as they are now, and the human race has no tools to allow its members to work together.  However, if we create these tools, we are in a position to take steps to change the path through time on which we are now traveling. 

The New Perspective Series is not about a random set of observations that an outsider would make about earth realities.  It is intended to provide practical information.  Fact Based History shows very clearly that humans are not fully evolved and totally rational beings at this point in time.  We are still very primitive in many ways.  We want to believe that we are far more capable than we actually are.  This arrogance prevents us from seeing defects in our genetic and cultural structures that must be removed if we are to survive as a race. 

The New Perspective Series is designed to open mental doors that, I hope, will allow people to see that there really is hope for our race. 

This is important.  From the perspective of insiders, the problems we face don’t appear to have any solutions.  We feel we can’t solve them.  If we feel there is nothing we can do, we won’t even try to do anything.  I do not claim that we are certain to succeed, even if we try our hardest.  I do claim, however, that if we don’t try, we have no chance at all.  The New Perspective Series is designed to help people see that it is worth exploring these issues.  It is worth trying.